#28 - I am thankful for my extended family and the examples they set for the girls.
I'm thankful for my sister and brother and the excellent choices they made in spouses. I love them all - the ones that are stuck with me -- cause I was born first and the ones that picked them for their mates. My girls could not have better Aunts and Uncles and Paul and I know that we can count on them to be there. I mean my sister did score us that gigantic TV.
I'm thankful for my Mother in Law. She has taught me, by example, how important it is to have Faith. She has totally embraced the fact that we call her Moses instead of Mom or Gramma and she lets my kids completely destroy the order at her house and replace it with chaos when we are there. She generously babysits almost every Sunday night while we go bowling. The girls have her packing up dress up clothes, paper and snacks to bring to our house ... because you know we hardly have any toys here! She also happens to make awesome frosted brownies.
I'm thankful for my sister in law Sue and my brother in law Mickey. The girls just light up when Mickey is around ... I mean he more often than not brings them munchkins ... who wouldn't love that? Sue is happy to grab something for me when she is at the store and when we get together for an impromptu pizza lunch or dinner it is non stop laughs and she likes wine ... its always nice to have someone to share a cocktail with. She listens when you talk and pays attention to all the stuff we have going on in our lives. She is creative and full of energy. She thinks of clever things to entertain the girls when they stay with her.
I'm thankful for Uncle Steve and Ducky for all the help they have been in getting the site work and septic done for the new house. I'm thankful for the coffee breaks and lunches provided by Aunt Norma, Katie and Jeanette. I'm thankful for the times when Kyna has just jumped in and fed a kid, walked a dog or cleared a table.
I'm thankful for the time my parents get to spend enjoying their retirement, but I am overjoyed when they return home to CT.
The time these people spend with us fills our lives with laughter. They are all so different and enrich the lives of our girls just being a part of our family.
#28 - I am thankful for my extended family and the examples they set for the girls.
My Person
# 27 - I am thankful for my best friend.
I'm thankful for my best friend, Robin.
We didn't go to school or grow up together, we met, by chance really, when she moved into the neighborhood. There was an invitation to a jewelry party and other little things here and there. Then before I knew it she was "my person" ... if you watch Grey's Anatomy (and she doesn't) you get that.
Sometimes we go all week and only talk thru email, sometimes we go months without a lunch, dinner or shopping excursion without the girls. Some how, none of that matters.
She is the person I call when ....
- when my husband has done something irritating
- when my kids are sick or struggling with something
- when I don't know what to wear to a social engagement
- when I need to borrow 2 slices of bread to make someone's lunch
- when my kids do something adorable or comical
- when I need to share a secret
- when I am over scheduled and need someone to pick up or drop off a little person
- when I need someone to let the dog out
- when I got terrible news and was crying hysterically
- when I am scared
- when I am sad
- when I am angry
- when I am happy
She is the person who ....
- empathizes
- helps me brainstorm
- enjoys Japanese/Chinese food as much as I do and never makes me feel bad when I order a TON of food off the menu
- reminds me that I am only one person
- knows I love Sangria
- never makes me feel guilty about ordering dessert
- tells me it is OK to ask for help
- reminds me, "You can say No"
- randomly drops by and steals my kids for lunch and an outing
- never forgets my birthday
- knows where I get my hair and nails done and that they are 2 different places
- knows someone who does or fixes anything I need
- makes me feel important
- respects my job ... even though she isn't 100% sure exactly what I do
- treats my entire family like they are her family
- tells me when I am over-reacting
- when necessary, kicks me in the A$$, smiles and says "get over it"
We've known each other less than 10 years ... but it feels like a lifetime.
She is my person ... some night we're gonna watch that episode of Grey's so she understands how "big" that really is.
I'm thankful for my best friend, Robin.
We didn't go to school or grow up together, we met, by chance really, when she moved into the neighborhood. There was an invitation to a jewelry party and other little things here and there. Then before I knew it she was "my person" ... if you watch Grey's Anatomy (and she doesn't) you get that.
Sometimes we go all week and only talk thru email, sometimes we go months without a lunch, dinner or shopping excursion without the girls. Some how, none of that matters.
She is the person I call when ....
- when my husband has done something irritating
- when my kids are sick or struggling with something
- when I don't know what to wear to a social engagement
- when I need to borrow 2 slices of bread to make someone's lunch
- when my kids do something adorable or comical
- when I need to share a secret
- when I am over scheduled and need someone to pick up or drop off a little person
- when I need someone to let the dog out
- when I got terrible news and was crying hysterically
- when I am scared
- when I am sad
- when I am angry
- when I am happy
She is the person who ....
- empathizes
- helps me brainstorm
- enjoys Japanese/Chinese food as much as I do and never makes me feel bad when I order a TON of food off the menu
- reminds me that I am only one person
- knows I love Sangria
- never makes me feel guilty about ordering dessert
- tells me it is OK to ask for help
- reminds me, "You can say No"
- randomly drops by and steals my kids for lunch and an outing
- never forgets my birthday
- knows where I get my hair and nails done and that they are 2 different places
- knows someone who does or fixes anything I need
- makes me feel important
- respects my job ... even though she isn't 100% sure exactly what I do
- treats my entire family like they are her family
- tells me when I am over-reacting
- when necessary, kicks me in the A$$, smiles and says "get over it"
We've known each other less than 10 years ... but it feels like a lifetime.
She is my person ... some night we're gonna watch that episode of Grey's so she understands how "big" that really is.
# 27 - I am thankful for my best friend.
Black Friday Superstar
#26 - I am thankful that my sister "does" Black Friday
Last Wednesday night, Brooke and I were running into Kohl's. As we approached the doors, Brooke read outloud "Black Friday Speckles" ....OK she is 6 and just learning how to read and it really said Black Friday Specials. I immediately responded "We don't 'do' Black Friday ... but your crazy Aunt Heidi does"
After our traditional and DELICIOUS Thanksgiving dinner we all staked out a seat at the table with flyers divided among us. Paul was in search of a large flat screen TV for our lovely new entertainment center. He headed out, waited in line at Sears for almost 2 hrs and did NOT receive a coveted ticket for one of the FOUR LED 51" TVs they had.
He returned to my parents, deflated, and vowed that was his only Black Friday Shopping adventure EVER. My sister on the other hand was across from me with a pad and pen making a list and charting her course. What stores she and my brother in law were going to and when. She really takes this VERY seriously. Paul must have looked really dejected because she looked over at him and said "When I go to Target do you want me to see if I can get the 50" there?" He jumped at the chance. I put in my order for the 7.5 foot, pre-lit white or colored Martha Stewart Christmas tree from Home Depot and they were off.
SCORE .... we got both and I am pretty sure it about killed her to buy a fake tree.
#26 - I am thankful that my sister "does" Black Friday
Last Wednesday night, Brooke and I were running into Kohl's. As we approached the doors, Brooke read outloud "Black Friday Speckles" ....OK she is 6 and just learning how to read and it really said Black Friday Specials. I immediately responded "We don't 'do' Black Friday ... but your crazy Aunt Heidi does"
After our traditional and DELICIOUS Thanksgiving dinner we all staked out a seat at the table with flyers divided among us. Paul was in search of a large flat screen TV for our lovely new entertainment center. He headed out, waited in line at Sears for almost 2 hrs and did NOT receive a coveted ticket for one of the FOUR LED 51" TVs they had.
He returned to my parents, deflated, and vowed that was his only Black Friday Shopping adventure EVER. My sister on the other hand was across from me with a pad and pen making a list and charting her course. What stores she and my brother in law were going to and when. She really takes this VERY seriously. Paul must have looked really dejected because she looked over at him and said "When I go to Target do you want me to see if I can get the 50" there?" He jumped at the chance. I put in my order for the 7.5 foot, pre-lit white or colored Martha Stewart Christmas tree from Home Depot and they were off.
SCORE .... we got both and I am pretty sure it about killed her to buy a fake tree.
#26 - I am thankful that my sister "does" Black Friday
What's for dinner
#25 - I am thankful for Bud Light Lime
I know, that probably sounds shallow, but I love LIME. So when they added it to my Bud Light, seriously, One. Happy. Girl.
#25 - I am thankful for Bud Light Lime
Day 24ish .....
#24 - I am thankful for *choke* *gulp* Facebook
There I said it, I am thankful for Facebook. I have been accused of not giving Social Media a fair shake and, in fact, I was once labeled at a conference as "not embracing social" ... seriously ME, not SOCIAL .....
I will admit that I find some serious faults/flaws with it in the workplace and even in my personal life it can wreck havoc on my time management skills. I find the whole "unfriending" thing, um, awkward and uncomfortable. All that said, it does have some redeeming qualities.
I can easily keep my parents in the loop when they are off enjoying their retirement in the sunny south.
I can instantly post pictures and no one has to get my email and then come to Romanskiville and read multiple posts to keep up with us.
I got some better deals on a few of my favorite websites because I was their "friend" on Facebook.
When I need help finding a dish to bring to a potluck or what to do when 3 crayons go through the dryer with an ENTIRE load of clothes, my FB family is there for me.
When my girls do something funny and Paul isn't home to share it with, I share it with my FB peeps.
The thing that I find the most unexpected is I have reconnected with people. Lots of people I went to High School with. Some live near and some live far and some I only ever really "talk" to on their Facebook walls. Some I am closer to now, virtually, then when we walked the crowded halls of Wheeler High School. Most of us turned 40 this year and we all welcomed each other to the club. Some, like me, started over, some married their HS sweethearts, some of them are nothing at all like they were in HS and its awesome to have a window into it all. I know that if I travel to Ireland, I can look up my friend Heather. If I struggle with my girls as they get older, I'm tapping my friend Dana on the shoulder (she has twin daugthers) and when I need help in the kitchen, my friend Laura is my go to. Its OK that this virtual world is what keeps us connected and I am thankful that it is there.
#24 - I am thankful for Facebook.
There I said it, I am thankful for Facebook. I have been accused of not giving Social Media a fair shake and, in fact, I was once labeled at a conference as "not embracing social" ... seriously ME, not SOCIAL .....
I will admit that I find some serious faults/flaws with it in the workplace and even in my personal life it can wreck havoc on my time management skills. I find the whole "unfriending" thing, um, awkward and uncomfortable. All that said, it does have some redeeming qualities.
I can easily keep my parents in the loop when they are off enjoying their retirement in the sunny south.
I can instantly post pictures and no one has to get my email and then come to Romanskiville and read multiple posts to keep up with us.
I got some better deals on a few of my favorite websites because I was their "friend" on Facebook.
When I need help finding a dish to bring to a potluck or what to do when 3 crayons go through the dryer with an ENTIRE load of clothes, my FB family is there for me.
When my girls do something funny and Paul isn't home to share it with, I share it with my FB peeps.
The thing that I find the most unexpected is I have reconnected with people. Lots of people I went to High School with. Some live near and some live far and some I only ever really "talk" to on their Facebook walls. Some I am closer to now, virtually, then when we walked the crowded halls of Wheeler High School. Most of us turned 40 this year and we all welcomed each other to the club. Some, like me, started over, some married their HS sweethearts, some of them are nothing at all like they were in HS and its awesome to have a window into it all. I know that if I travel to Ireland, I can look up my friend Heather. If I struggle with my girls as they get older, I'm tapping my friend Dana on the shoulder (she has twin daugthers) and when I need help in the kitchen, my friend Laura is my go to. Its OK that this virtual world is what keeps us connected and I am thankful that it is there.
#24 - I am thankful for Facebook.
Circle of Friends
#23 - I am thankful for the circle of friends that I gained when I met Paul.
Paul has a core group of friends ... Coach, WW, Fifty, Coz, and Johnny Kielbasa. They are a close knit, loyal group and have been there to support Paul through some of his most difficult times. Some of those "difficult" times were a result of heartbreak so it was a bit of a challenge to break into this circle. These people have become some my dearest and most treasured friends. They are the people that I would call in the middle of the night if I needed something and they would come. This great group of guys also have wives and girlfriends. They are all individuals and have unique strengths that they share with me. I've learned about entertaining and being a good hostess, I've gotten advice on parenting both my 2 legged children as well as my 4 legged one that sheds and wags his tail. I've learned a million new recipes and how to appreciate a glass of wine and conversation. I've learned to ask for help. I've learned that when our small, tight little group is shattered by tragedy, as it was recently, that we are there for each other to love, support and grieve. I've learned that they are not just Paul's friends but they are my friends.
#23 - I am thankful for the circle of friends that I gained when I met Paul.
Paul has a core group of friends ... Coach, WW, Fifty, Coz, and Johnny Kielbasa. They are a close knit, loyal group and have been there to support Paul through some of his most difficult times. Some of those "difficult" times were a result of heartbreak so it was a bit of a challenge to break into this circle. These people have become some my dearest and most treasured friends. They are the people that I would call in the middle of the night if I needed something and they would come. This great group of guys also have wives and girlfriends. They are all individuals and have unique strengths that they share with me. I've learned about entertaining and being a good hostess, I've gotten advice on parenting both my 2 legged children as well as my 4 legged one that sheds and wags his tail. I've learned a million new recipes and how to appreciate a glass of wine and conversation. I've learned to ask for help. I've learned that when our small, tight little group is shattered by tragedy, as it was recently, that we are there for each other to love, support and grieve. I've learned that they are not just Paul's friends but they are my friends.
#23 - I am thankful for the circle of friends that I gained when I met Paul.
Catching up
I've been on vacation since November 16 to work on the house ... my parents got home from Florida the day before and have been here in Romanskiville almost every day since their return ... those people are wearing me OUT but we have moved mountains. All that said I've missed some "thankful for's"
Here's the ones for the days I missed .....
#15 - I am thankful for paid vacation time.
#16 - I am thankful for an honest and trustworthy mechanic.
#17 - I am thankful for my Keurig Coffee Brewer.
#18 - I am thankful for having a job ... where I can work from home.
#19 - I am thankful for free furniture delivery and setup.
#20 - I am thankful for 4 wheel drive.
#21 - I am thankful for my dishwasher.
A Day of Thanks ...
# 22 - I am thankful for my parents and the family life that they worked so hard to create.
Today, we spent the day in North Stonington to share a traditional Thanksgiving Meal with my parents and siblings. My Mom graciously prepares all the food, my sister provides dessert and we bring the milk. After stuffing ourselves with lunch and pie, the afternoon was filled with cat naps and reviewing all the sale papers. There was an unflattering photo taken of me napping that has been removed from my FB wall ... NOT funny Brother in law, NOT FUNNY. We listened to Uncle David share tales from his busy day shift at the PD. Then we had leftovers ... it was a great day.
It reminds me of the years that we packed up and spent the same holiday at Gramma T's ..... and some of the fondest memories of my childhood all being together.
You learn by example, how to parent, how to treat people, how to be generous and kind. When I was being parented there were times that I thought that my parents had standards that were too high, that they never seemed satisfied with grades, boyfriends, or whatever. Now I am a parent and I see, that they saw, we needed to be pushed to reach higher, study harder, make the best choices we possibly could. They were making sure we didn't settle.
I recognize that we have a unique relationship with my parents that not all families share. I appreciate them being there whenever we call and for the times they come before they are even asked.
In mid September, we all attended David's Police Academy Graduation and it was a rare occasion that my parents, sister, brother and our spouses were all together to celebrate such a significant accomplishment. David, Heidi and I are very different people and we've all chosen really different career paths, but I think that the success that we have each achieved is a direct reflection on the dedication to our family that my parents provided.
The day after that graduation, I told my parents the following:
As a parent, you are judged (rightly or wrongly) by the success of your children. You have three children who have rewarding and fulfilling careers, are financially independent, and are responsible, respectful, generous to others. Children who have chosen spouses with the same values as they have and are building futures. I hope you recognize that is not by accident, that it was by your design.
I am thankful for every sacrifice they made through those years and I am thankful to part of such a loving and loyal family. I hope home in 25 years my girls are saying the same thing about Paul and I.
# 22 - I am thankful for my parents and the family life that they worked so hard to create.
#14 - I am thankful for coffee
I know it might not seem like much .. but I love coffee. There are some people who might even say that I have a "problem" with coffee. The way I look at it ... it could be worse.
I didn't learn to appreciate coffee until I was in my 30's. Even then, it was one cup a day, in the morning and that was it. Then I had Brooke and she didn't sleep through the night til she was 7 months old. Then there was Kristen .. who stopped sleeping through the night at 4 months and then didn't start again til she was a year. Coffee saved me (and my co-workers).
#14 - I am thankful for coffee
I know it might not seem like much .. but I love coffee. There are some people who might even say that I have a "problem" with coffee. The way I look at it ... it could be worse.
I didn't learn to appreciate coffee until I was in my 30's. Even then, it was one cup a day, in the morning and that was it. Then I had Brooke and she didn't sleep through the night til she was 7 months old. Then there was Kristen .. who stopped sleeping through the night at 4 months and then didn't start again til she was a year. Coffee saved me (and my co-workers).
#14 - I am thankful for coffee
Thirteen ... lucky number 13
#13 - I am thankful for Public Servants
Today is my "little" brother's birthday. He recently graduated from the Police Academy and began the career that he had dreamed about for years. I'm proud of him for not giving up, for working hard to get thru college and taking a job that wasn't his dream, but allowed him to provide for himself and now his wife. He filled out application after application, took exam after exam and kept going to work to pay the bills all the while. He's proof that if you persevere, you'll get there.
Have to admit, I'm a little bummed the City of Norwich was a day late and dollar short and the City of Groton scooped him up. Would have loved to have him protecting Romanskiville.
My brother in law serves in a similar way. He works as a career firefighter. You know those guys that have to run into burning buildings, respond to auto vs. pedestrian accidents on the highway or that call that he had several Thanksgivings ago to a baby who passed in the night as a result of SIDS.
Both of these men have seen and will see more than I can ever imagine. They proudly go to work each day and defend the people of the communities they have chosen to serve. I am thankful for their service and for all the others I will never know.
#13 - I am thankful for Public Servants
Average Joe
#12 - I am thankful for my Uncle "Joe"
Some of you might be confused .. Uncle Joe ??? I didn't know Heather had an Uncle Joe. Well that isn't his real name and we didn't change it to protect his identity .. it started way back in the day when my Poppa Holliday was alive. Apparently, he called everyone "Joe" .. so now all the boys, Holliday by blood or Holliday by marriage answer to the name "Joe" - Uncle Joe, Cousin Joe they are the just a collection of "Joe's"
So back to why I love him so much and why he is the star of this post. He has a day job as the Superintendent of Highways in a small town in Southeastern CT. He is a little bit like the postman, in rain, in sleet, hurricanes and Nor'Easters he is out there riding the roads deciding whether or not to close the schools, clearing fallen trees and all that stuff. If that wasn't enough in his spare time - he has his own business. He does site work, excavation, foundations and septic systems. When you are building a house, it might be good to have a connection to someone like that. I happen to be building a house.
He's been supportive of our project from the beginning. In the early Spring, heavy equipment started rolling in. I like to think that Paul and I are pretty enlightened people. We understand the cost of things like labor, fuel, materials. We were aware of the intricacies of what it meant to build a house. However, until you start to live it, the engineers needed to draw plans, the measuring, re-measuring, and the triple checking to make sure things are where they are to be. The time it takes to do everything right ... the first time. Apparently you don't just turn on the excavator and start digging - it has to be a little more precise than that. Until you experience the convoy of trucks rolling in at 5:00 after they all did their "day job" day after day. Until you see them EVERY Weekend working 14 hour days, both Saturday and Sunday you cannot really wrap your head around what a gift it is to have this talent in your family.
Uncle Joe with his supporting cast dug the hole for the foundation, sealed and insulated it, did the curtain drains, all the trenching for the geothermal loops and the underground conduit for the utilities, well lines, and then there is the septic system. He is also in charge of demo of the old house and getting the yard, well, looking like a yard again with grading, etc. Trust me when I tell you - that is a CRAPLOAD of stuff.
Some of you might be confused .. Uncle Joe ??? I didn't know Heather had an Uncle Joe. Well that isn't his real name and we didn't change it to protect his identity .. it started way back in the day when my Poppa Holliday was alive. Apparently, he called everyone "Joe" .. so now all the boys, Holliday by blood or Holliday by marriage answer to the name "Joe" - Uncle Joe, Cousin Joe they are the just a collection of "Joe's"
So back to why I love him so much and why he is the star of this post. He has a day job as the Superintendent of Highways in a small town in Southeastern CT. He is a little bit like the postman, in rain, in sleet, hurricanes and Nor'Easters he is out there riding the roads deciding whether or not to close the schools, clearing fallen trees and all that stuff. If that wasn't enough in his spare time - he has his own business. He does site work, excavation, foundations and septic systems. When you are building a house, it might be good to have a connection to someone like that. I happen to be building a house.
He's been supportive of our project from the beginning. In the early Spring, heavy equipment started rolling in. I like to think that Paul and I are pretty enlightened people. We understand the cost of things like labor, fuel, materials. We were aware of the intricacies of what it meant to build a house. However, until you start to live it, the engineers needed to draw plans, the measuring, re-measuring, and the triple checking to make sure things are where they are to be. The time it takes to do everything right ... the first time. Apparently you don't just turn on the excavator and start digging - it has to be a little more precise than that. Until you experience the convoy of trucks rolling in at 5:00 after they all did their "day job" day after day. Until you see them EVERY Weekend working 14 hour days, both Saturday and Sunday you cannot really wrap your head around what a gift it is to have this talent in your family.
Uncle Joe with his supporting cast dug the hole for the foundation, sealed and insulated it, did the curtain drains, all the trenching for the geothermal loops and the underground conduit for the utilities, well lines, and then there is the septic system. He is also in charge of demo of the old house and getting the yard, well, looking like a yard again with grading, etc. Trust me when I tell you - that is a CRAPLOAD of stuff.
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The crew |
At a quick glance he looks like an "Average" Joe ... he's always wearing a baseball hat, chewing on a toothpick and usually has a Dunkin Donuts coffee cup in his hand. More than likely he is outfitted in the most stylish of safety orange as he shuffles between various pieces of equipment.
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See, safety orange |
To many he might just be an "Average Joe" but, to me, to us, he is far from average.
#12 - I am thankful for my Uncle "Joe"
#11 - I am thankful for Veterans and those who actively serve in our Military today
#11 - I am thankful for Veterans and those who actively serve in our Military today
Particularly proud of my Dad and his years in the Army.
#11 - I am thankful for Veterans and those who actively serve in our Military today
#10 - I am thankful for Do'ers
Today was crazy busy in Romanskiville ... septic system installation day 1, cleaning, painting, moving appliances. Runs to the paint store, grocery store, coffee shop! Oh and let me not forget my dear friend, Dale, who toted my kids all over CT and kept them out of harm's way and wet paint so we could get down to it.
I have to admit, that I think we really are very aware of all the special people in our life, who just "do things". They call you and volunteer or you call them and they come. They ask what the next task is and when they finish that they just move on to something else. We were lucky to have a bunch of those people here (and there) helping us today. We made lots of progress - all the major painting is done, we even moved out the fridge, stove and washer and dryer to paint behind them. Two of the 3 bathrooms are cleaned, all the upstairs outlet covers are back on, the windows got washed, 2 closets got painted and we are still on pace to have a completed septic system by the close of business Monday.
Who knew it took THAT much rock for your septic system......
The one thing we are good at here in Romanskiville is feeding the "do'ers" .... today was delicious Pulled Chicken sandwiches, cole slaw, chips and cookies. It was enough to get us back to our posts and do some more.
#10 - I am thankful for Do'ers
Today was crazy busy in Romanskiville ... septic system installation day 1, cleaning, painting, moving appliances. Runs to the paint store, grocery store, coffee shop! Oh and let me not forget my dear friend, Dale, who toted my kids all over CT and kept them out of harm's way and wet paint so we could get down to it.
I have to admit, that I think we really are very aware of all the special people in our life, who just "do things". They call you and volunteer or you call them and they come. They ask what the next task is and when they finish that they just move on to something else. We were lucky to have a bunch of those people here (and there) helping us today. We made lots of progress - all the major painting is done, we even moved out the fridge, stove and washer and dryer to paint behind them. Two of the 3 bathrooms are cleaned, all the upstairs outlet covers are back on, the windows got washed, 2 closets got painted and we are still on pace to have a completed septic system by the close of business Monday.
Who knew it took THAT much rock for your septic system......
The one thing we are good at here in Romanskiville is feeding the "do'ers" .... today was delicious Pulled Chicken sandwiches, cole slaw, chips and cookies. It was enough to get us back to our posts and do some more.
#10 - I am thankful for Do'ers
Friday, Thank God for Friday
It has a really long, crazy week ... election day, Nor'Easter, Romanskiville - Rev 2 "crunch time"
#9 - I am thankful for Fridays.
Sometimes you really just do need a few days away from school lunches, uniforms, and the constant comings and goings of contractors. It really is as simple as that.
#9 - I am thankful for Fridays.
#9 - I am thankful for Fridays.
Sometimes you really just do need a few days away from school lunches, uniforms, and the constant comings and goings of contractors. It really is as simple as that.
#9 - I am thankful for Fridays.
Takeout and Bad Weather
#7 - I am thankful for take out and drive thru's
Yesterday was one of those hectic days ... tons of interruptions at work, it started snowing crazy in the afternoon and the builder needed more paint and supplies. Left work a little early, ran to Sherwin Williams, we're on a first name basis there, and then off to get the girls. Of course, with the slick roads all that was done at 1/2 speed. After I grabbed the girls, we were off to Home Depot in a snowstorm ... timing .... There were only a handful of cars in the parking lot and most people exiting had a snow shovel or a container of ice melt. I walked out with disposable paint trays, roller covers, drop cloths and a shower organizer, you know, the essentials! By then it was after 6 .... yup 2 cheeseburger happy meals complete with smoothies it was. Oh, we went thru the drive up too, do you know what a production it is to take TWO kids out of carseats in the middle of a snow squall? Yep, the drive thru, totally using the drive thru!
#8 - I am thankful for bad weather [humor me, it will make sense]
I might have mentioned, once or twice, that we are building a new house. Every ceiling, room, closet, bathroom needs paint. We got estimates - holy bananas - that was NOT happening. We have gotten some non-professional painting help at a much more economical rate. The last "big" thing that needs to be done is the Living Room and Dining Room floors. We have all the Pergo, we just are really short on time, it is so much harder to fit projects in with the girls around. I asked my builder for help. You know, the same guy who is trying to build a 740 sq ft wraparound farmer's porch before snow. So much for that happening! The bad weather the last 2 days did afford him the time to help us out painting the REALLY tall and awkward stairway, the dining room, living room and another coat on the ceilings. Tomorrow they start the floor and Monday when temperatures are headed back into the 60's he is back to the porch. I am certain that he would not have been so eager to take 3 days away from the porch if it wasn't blustery cold and sleeting on and off. So, for this one rare occasion, I am thankful for bad weather ... maybe I should quantify that with "mildly" bad weather after last week!
#7 - I am thankful for take out and drive thru's
#8 - I am thankful for bad weather [humor me, it will make sense]
Yesterday was one of those hectic days ... tons of interruptions at work, it started snowing crazy in the afternoon and the builder needed more paint and supplies. Left work a little early, ran to Sherwin Williams, we're on a first name basis there, and then off to get the girls. Of course, with the slick roads all that was done at 1/2 speed. After I grabbed the girls, we were off to Home Depot in a snowstorm ... timing .... There were only a handful of cars in the parking lot and most people exiting had a snow shovel or a container of ice melt. I walked out with disposable paint trays, roller covers, drop cloths and a shower organizer, you know, the essentials! By then it was after 6 .... yup 2 cheeseburger happy meals complete with smoothies it was. Oh, we went thru the drive up too, do you know what a production it is to take TWO kids out of carseats in the middle of a snow squall? Yep, the drive thru, totally using the drive thru!
#8 - I am thankful for bad weather [humor me, it will make sense]
I might have mentioned, once or twice, that we are building a new house. Every ceiling, room, closet, bathroom needs paint. We got estimates - holy bananas - that was NOT happening. We have gotten some non-professional painting help at a much more economical rate. The last "big" thing that needs to be done is the Living Room and Dining Room floors. We have all the Pergo, we just are really short on time, it is so much harder to fit projects in with the girls around. I asked my builder for help. You know, the same guy who is trying to build a 740 sq ft wraparound farmer's porch before snow. So much for that happening! The bad weather the last 2 days did afford him the time to help us out painting the REALLY tall and awkward stairway, the dining room, living room and another coat on the ceilings. Tomorrow they start the floor and Monday when temperatures are headed back into the 60's he is back to the porch. I am certain that he would not have been so eager to take 3 days away from the porch if it wasn't blustery cold and sleeting on and off. So, for this one rare occasion, I am thankful for bad weather ... maybe I should quantify that with "mildly" bad weather after last week!
#7 - I am thankful for take out and drive thru's
#8 - I am thankful for bad weather [humor me, it will make sense]
The right to vote
#6 - I am thankful for the right to vote
I am tired of the signs, the mailings and the phone calls ... 5 voicemails yesterday ... my favorite was from Jim Hoffa the president of the Teamsters union!
Later today I'll stake my place in line armed with a few of the many catalogs that are taking up a ton of real estate in my mailbox these days and cast my vote. There was a time I would not have been afforded this privilege.
#6 - I am thankful for the right to vote
*this post has been paid for by the residents of Romanskiville and was approved by Heather
Heat ... I am thankful for heat
#5 - I am thankful for heat
After the mild fall we've had -- well not counting Hurricane Sandy -- today was chilly !!!!
The kind of weather that made you wish you had gloves and a hood that stayed on your cranium. The kind of day that you wish the dog could walk himself.
I am happy to have heat, I don't yet have it in my new house and we were out there working tonight. It was 54. It did not even feel that cold but my old house is a balmy 66-67 and it feels downright toasty after 90 minutes in that 54.
I know that I am lucky to have heat and the money for oil. I know that there are lots of people who a week ago lost everything and I have so much. Tonight, even in the warmth of whatever temporary shelter they have found, I know that there are several people who are still cold.
#5 - I am thankful for heat
After the mild fall we've had -- well not counting Hurricane Sandy -- today was chilly !!!!
The kind of weather that made you wish you had gloves and a hood that stayed on your cranium. The kind of day that you wish the dog could walk himself.
I am happy to have heat, I don't yet have it in my new house and we were out there working tonight. It was 54. It did not even feel that cold but my old house is a balmy 66-67 and it feels downright toasty after 90 minutes in that 54.
I know that I am lucky to have heat and the money for oil. I know that there are lots of people who a week ago lost everything and I have so much. Tonight, even in the warmth of whatever temporary shelter they have found, I know that there are several people who are still cold.
#5 - I am thankful for heat
Three and Four ...
#3 - I am thankful for impromptu get togethers
My niece flew to CT from VA on Friday to attend her Grandfather's funeral. We don't get to see her much and the girls LOVE being around their older cousins. Last weekend we were treated to a visit with Ben in from Dallas. We had pizza at Moses's house and Ben was down on the floor teaching the girls how to fold paper and cut it into snowflakes. They are still talking about the snowflakes.
On Saturday, I went to the service for my brother in law's dad and Meg asked about the girls. We quickly hatched a plan for another pizza date at Moses's house ... we got so excited about the plan, we forget to mention to Moses that we were coming. Oh well, lucky for us she was free.
Brooke shrieked when she saw Meg and Kristen, who we had woken to make the trip, came to life.
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Cousins |
There was lots of great food and fun times. We can't wait to have more of these fun times when Meg is home at Christmas !!!!
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Brooke ~ Moses ~ Meg |
#4 - I am thankful for my Church Family
and not because they are about 60% of the people who read this blog!!!
It is exactly what I wanted when I was looking for a church closer to home all those years ago when I moved to Norwich with Paul. No one gets upset if the girls are a little too loud and we are always greeted on Sunday mornings with so many smiles. It is a small but mighty church and the results amaze me every time we undertake a new mission. The girls go to Sunday School and have a whole set of friends they wouldn't have met because they go to a different school. They anxiously wait to see if their friends - Lena, Jayden or Didi will be there. We don't make church every week but when we do I always leave there at the end of the service being reminded that we are so blessed to be a part of this Church Family.
#3 - I am thankful for impromptu get togethers
#4 - I am thankful for my Church Family
Thankful For ...
#2 - I am thankful for creative and enthusiastic friends
Our builder's 20 something daughter offered to paint at a reduced rate for us and we gladly accepted the help. She is working far more economically than the professional painters we got estimates from and she is full of energy and great ideas. She said she is excited to come here and paint .... um, OK, whatever you say!
She has painted the playroom and short of ceiling touch up, cross that off the list. Today she started the girls room and she had talked about striping one wall .... she and I spent the evening drawing lines and placing tape. I am SO happy with the results.
I NEVER, EVER would have had the ambition to try this on my own. Yes, it is true our lines are not perfectly straight nor are they exactly, evenly spaced but to me it is so cool for the girls to have this added touch to their room.
#2 - I am thankful for creative and enthusiastic friends
Our builder's 20 something daughter offered to paint at a reduced rate for us and we gladly accepted the help. She is working far more economically than the professional painters we got estimates from and she is full of energy and great ideas. She said she is excited to come here and paint .... um, OK, whatever you say!
She has painted the playroom and short of ceiling touch up, cross that off the list. Today she started the girls room and she had talked about striping one wall .... she and I spent the evening drawing lines and placing tape. I am SO happy with the results.
I NEVER, EVER would have had the ambition to try this on my own. Yes, it is true our lines are not perfectly straight nor are they exactly, evenly spaced but to me it is so cool for the girls to have this added touch to their room.
#2 - I am thankful for creative and enthusiastic friends
Thirty Days of Thanks ....
I've seen a few friends posting on Facebook today something they are thankful for. They numbered it "1" like they are going to have a new one each day. I haven't quite figured out if they are doing it for the month or just until Thanksgiving arrives but I thought "what a neat idea" ... seriously that was my exact wording .. what can I tell you I have a 3 and 6 year old and, yes, sometimes I think at their level.
That first day she was in pain and repeatedly wanted to rub and scratch her eyes (they were both operated on) but the next day she wanted her favorite purple dress and was asking for fruit snacks. Her eyes were still filled with pooled blood, which I would later come to understand would take 2-3 weeks to subside, but she was literally jumping on the couch.
A week later, she was back at daycare enjoying her regular routine. There was that morning she climbed into bed with Paul and I asking for cartoons. We obliged, turned on the TV to her favorite channel to which she announced "I can't see!" ... I think for about 35 seconds I did not breathe "Mom, I can't see, this pillow is too low!" PHEW ......
So I've sort of challenged myself to post my "Thankful for ..." here on Romanskiville each day. I am also going to say right now that I will not even come close to posting each and every day. Paul's long days have started and we are days away from moving into Rev 2. I will try very hard to come as close to 100% as possible ... there you can all be "thankful" for that.
#1 - I am thankful for the marvels of modern medicine (I know that sounds all peace and love and lets change the world, really its not that noble at all)
Kristen had a problem with her eyes, they at times would turn outwards and not work together. Sometimes people call this "lazy eye". We started with the pediatrician who quickly referred us to a pediatric ophthalmologist. We met Dr. Howard in February. She did some tests and we would come see her again in 3 months. In April, it was happening more frequently. Back to the Dr who confirmed her condition was progressing and alternating day patching began. She was a trooper most days.
Three hours a day for 3 months, we rarely missed a day and back to the Dr for another check up. No change in test results, the patching had really made no difference and what would happen when we stopped using patches all together? Dr. Howard suggested corrective surgery. Paul and I had already discussed that surgery was probably our next step but I will tell that when the Doctor says that the risks include - infection and permanent blindness - you glance over at that adorable little blonde haired, blued eyed princess and she seems even smaller and more fragile than ever. The Dr quickly adds that she has never had a patient go blind ... GOOD to know. We sign the papers, schedule the surgery, head to Yale New Haven Children's Hospital for a pre-op visit and do all the other things on the list.
We headed for New Haven a little after 6 am on that day. I'd be lying if I said I was completely at ease with this all and then I turned around to check her in the backseat and that one eye was drifting out, yep, this was a very necessary surgery.
Yale New Haven Children's Hospital is an amazing place. Clearly they are in the business of caring for kids and they are amazingly good at it. She was the star of the show that day. Wowing all the staff with her smile and personality oh and she was seriously rocking the hospital PJs
She was pre-medicated and the Anesthesiologist carried her out the door to the OR. We grabbed a quick breakfast and returned to the floor to wait. Almost 90 mins after she was wisked away, the Dr appeared and said everything went as expected. We reviewed instructions for the next few days and she told us they would be out in a few minutes to take us to her. They take great care at this hospital to NOT wake them from anesthesia. When they get to recovery they are sleeping and you are firmly but kindly reminded that you need to resist the urge to touch and let them be. No matter how many episodes of ER you've watched or how many Ambulance runs you've been on .. some when you have been completely in charge of a patient's care, you are not prepared for this ....
She looked so small and so still. Then there was the blood ... running out of her eyes mixed with her tears. YIKES ... I had not gotten that far in the thought process. They cut the muscles that are attached to her EYES, of course, there is blood. After another hour or so, she woke up, ate 2 popsicles and all her IVs and wires were disconnected and we were on the way home.
That first day she was in pain and repeatedly wanted to rub and scratch her eyes (they were both operated on) but the next day she wanted her favorite purple dress and was asking for fruit snacks. Her eyes were still filled with pooled blood, which I would later come to understand would take 2-3 weeks to subside, but she was literally jumping on the couch.
A week later, she was back at daycare enjoying her regular routine. There was that morning she climbed into bed with Paul and I asking for cartoons. We obliged, turned on the TV to her favorite channel to which she announced "I can't see!" ... I think for about 35 seconds I did not breathe "Mom, I can't see, this pillow is too low!" PHEW ......
Today we went to our 5 week post-op check up. The Dr is very happy with her recovery and I have not seen either eye drift outward since that day. We go back in 3 months for another check in, but all signs point to a complete success.
So it seems only fitting to start my Thirty Days of Thanks with
#1 - I am thankful for the marvels of modern medicine
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