

#10 - I am thankful for Do'ers

Today was crazy busy in Romanskiville ... septic system installation day 1, cleaning, painting, moving appliances. Runs to the paint store, grocery store, coffee shop!  Oh and let me not forget my dear friend, Dale, who toted my kids all over CT and kept them out of harm's way and wet paint so we could get down to it.

I have to admit, that I think we really are very aware of all the special people in our life, who just "do things".  They call you and volunteer or you call them and they come.  They ask what the next task is and when they finish that they just move on to something else.  We were lucky to have a bunch of those people here (and there) helping us today.  We made lots of progress - all the major painting is done, we even moved out the fridge, stove and washer and dryer to paint behind them.  Two of the 3 bathrooms are cleaned, all the upstairs outlet covers are back on, the windows got washed, 2 closets got painted and we are still on pace to have a completed septic system by the close of business Monday.

Who knew it took THAT much rock for your septic system......

The one thing we are good at here in Romanskiville is feeding the "do'ers" .... today was delicious Pulled Chicken sandwiches, cole slaw, chips and cookies.  It was enough to get us back to our posts and do some more.

#10 - I am thankful for Do'ers

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