
Heat ... I am thankful for heat

#5 - I am thankful for heat

After the mild fall we've had -- well not counting Hurricane Sandy -- today was chilly !!!!

The kind of weather that made you wish you had gloves and a hood that stayed on your cranium.  The kind of day that you wish the dog could walk himself. 

I am happy to have heat, I don't yet have it in my new house and we were out there working tonight.  It was 54.  It did not even feel that cold but my old house is a balmy 66-67 and it feels downright toasty after 90 minutes in that 54. 

I know that I am lucky to have heat and the money for oil.  I know that there are lots of people who a week ago lost everything and I have so much. Tonight, even in the warmth of whatever temporary shelter they have found, I know that there are several people who are still cold.

#5 - I am thankful for heat

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