
A Day of Thanks ...

# 22 - I am thankful for my parents and the family life that they worked so hard to create.

Today, we spent the day in North Stonington to share a traditional Thanksgiving Meal with my parents and siblings.  My Mom graciously prepares all the food, my sister provides dessert and we bring the milk.  After stuffing ourselves with lunch and pie, the afternoon was filled with cat naps and reviewing all the sale papers. There was an unflattering photo taken of me napping that has been removed from my FB wall ... NOT funny Brother in law, NOT FUNNY.  We listened to Uncle David share tales from his busy day shift at the PD.  Then we had leftovers ... it was a great day.  

It reminds me of the years that we packed up and spent the same holiday at Gramma T's ..... and some of the fondest memories of my childhood all being together.  

You learn by example, how to parent, how to treat people, how to be generous and kind.  When I was being parented there were times that I thought that my parents had standards that were too high, that they never seemed satisfied with grades, boyfriends, or whatever.  Now I am a parent and I see, that they saw, we needed to be pushed to reach higher, study harder, make the best choices we possibly could.  They were making sure we didn't settle.  

I recognize that we have a unique relationship with my parents that not all families share.  I appreciate them being there whenever we call and for the times they come before they are even asked.  

In mid September, we all attended David's Police Academy Graduation and it was a rare occasion that my parents, sister, brother and our spouses were all together to celebrate such a significant accomplishment.  David, Heidi and I are very different people and we've all chosen really different career paths, but I think that the success that we have each achieved is a direct reflection on the dedication to our family that my parents provided. 

The day after that graduation, I told my parents the following:
As a parent, you are judged (rightly or wrongly) by the success of your children. You have three children who have rewarding and fulfilling careers, are financially independent, and are responsible, respectful, generous to others. Children who have chosen spouses with the same values as they have and are building futures. I hope you recognize that is not by accident, that it was by your design.

I am thankful for every sacrifice they made through those years and I am thankful to part of such a loving and loyal family. I hope home in 25 years my girls are saying the same thing about Paul and I.

# 22 - I am thankful for my parents and the family life that they worked so hard to create.

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