
Thankful For ...

#2 - I am thankful for creative and enthusiastic friends

Our builder's 20 something daughter offered to paint at a reduced rate for us and we gladly accepted the help.  She is working far more economically than the professional painters we got estimates from and she is full of energy and great ideas.  She said she is excited to come here and paint .... um, OK, whatever you say!

She has painted the playroom and short of ceiling touch up, cross that off the list.  Today she started the girls room and she had talked about striping one wall .... she and I spent the evening drawing lines and placing tape.  I am SO happy with the results.

I NEVER, EVER would have had the ambition to try this on my own.  Yes, it is true our lines are not perfectly straight nor are they exactly, evenly spaced but to me it is so cool for the girls to have this added touch to their room.  

#2 - I am thankful for creative and enthusiastic friends

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