
Day 24ish .....

#24 - I am thankful for *choke* *gulp* Facebook

There I said it, I am thankful for Facebook.  I have been accused of not giving Social Media a fair shake and, in fact, I was once labeled at a conference as "not embracing social" ... seriously ME, not SOCIAL .....

I will admit that I find some serious faults/flaws with it in the workplace and even in my personal life it can wreck havoc on my time management skills.  I find the whole "unfriending" thing, um, awkward and uncomfortable.  All that said, it does have some redeeming qualities.

I can easily keep my parents in the loop when they are off enjoying their retirement in the sunny south. 

I can instantly post pictures and no one has to get my email and then come to Romanskiville and read multiple posts to keep up with us.

I got some better deals on a few of my favorite websites because I was their "friend" on Facebook.

When I need help finding a dish to bring to a potluck or what to do when 3 crayons go through the dryer with an ENTIRE load of clothes, my FB family is there for me.

When my girls do something funny and Paul isn't home to share it with, I share it with my FB peeps. 

The thing that I find the most unexpected is I have reconnected with people.  Lots of people I went to High School with.  Some live near and some live far and some I only ever really "talk" to on their Facebook walls. Some I am closer to now, virtually, then when we walked the crowded halls of Wheeler High School. Most of us turned 40 this year and we all welcomed each other to the club.  Some, like me, started over, some married their HS sweethearts, some of them are nothing at all like they were in HS and its awesome to have a window into it all.  I know that if I travel to Ireland, I can look up my friend Heather. If I struggle with my girls as they get older, I'm tapping my friend Dana on the shoulder (she has twin daugthers) and when I need help in the kitchen, my friend Laura is my go to. Its OK that this virtual world is what keeps us connected and I am thankful that it is there. 

#24 - I am thankful for Facebook.

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