
My Person

# 27 - I am thankful for my best friend.

I'm thankful for my best friend, Robin.  

We didn't go to school or grow up together, we met, by chance really, when she moved into the neighborhood.  There was an invitation to a jewelry party and other little things here and there.  Then before I knew it she was "my person" ... if you watch Grey's Anatomy (and she doesn't) you get that.

Sometimes we go all week and only talk thru email, sometimes we go months without a lunch, dinner or shopping excursion without the girls.  Some how, none of that matters. 

She is the person I call when ....

- when my husband has done something irritating
- when my kids are sick or struggling with something
- when I don't know what to wear to a social engagement
- when I need to borrow 2 slices of bread to make someone's lunch
- when my kids do something adorable or comical
- when I need to share a secret
- when I am over scheduled and need someone to pick up or drop off a little person
- when I need someone to let the dog out
- when I got terrible news and was crying hysterically
- when I am scared
- when I am sad
- when I am angry
- when I am happy 

She is the person who ....

- empathizes
- helps me brainstorm
- enjoys Japanese/Chinese food as much as I do and never makes me feel bad when I order a TON of food off the menu
- reminds me that I am only one person
- knows I love Sangria
- never makes me feel guilty about ordering dessert
- tells me it is OK to ask for help
- reminds me, "You can say No"
- randomly drops by and steals my kids for lunch and an outing
- never forgets my birthday
- knows where I get my hair and nails done and that they are 2 different places
- knows someone who does or fixes anything I need
- makes me feel important
- respects my job ... even though she isn't 100% sure exactly what I do
- treats my entire family like they are her family
- tells me when I am over-reacting
- when necessary, kicks me in the A$$, smiles and says "get over it"

We've known each other less than 10 years ... but it feels like a lifetime. 

She is my person ... some night we're gonna watch that episode of Grey's so she understands how "big" that really is.

# 27 - I am thankful for my best friend.

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