
Black Friday Superstar

#26 - I am thankful that my sister "does" Black Friday

Last Wednesday night, Brooke and I were running into Kohl's.  As we approached the doors, Brooke read outloud "Black Friday Speckles" ....OK she is 6 and just learning how to read and it really said Black Friday Specials.  I immediately responded "We don't 'do' Black Friday ... but your crazy Aunt Heidi does"

After our traditional and DELICIOUS Thanksgiving dinner we all staked out a seat at the table with flyers divided among us.  Paul was in search of a large flat screen TV for our lovely new entertainment center.  He headed out, waited in line at Sears for almost 2 hrs and did NOT receive a coveted ticket for one of the FOUR LED 51" TVs they had.  

He returned to my parents, deflated, and vowed that was his only Black Friday Shopping adventure EVER.  My sister on the other hand was across from me with a pad and pen making a list and charting her course.  What stores she and my brother in law were going to and when.  She really takes this VERY seriously. Paul must have looked really dejected because she looked over at him and said "When I go to Target do you want me to see if I can get the 50" there?"  He jumped at the chance. I put in my order for the 7.5 foot, pre-lit white or colored Martha Stewart Christmas tree from Home Depot and they were off.

SCORE .... we got both and I am pretty sure it about killed her to buy a fake tree. 

#26 - I am thankful that my sister "does" Black Friday

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