

#28 - I am thankful for my extended family and the examples they set for the girls.

I'm thankful for my sister and brother and the excellent choices they made in spouses.  I love them all - the ones that are stuck with me -- cause I was born first and the ones that picked them for their mates. My girls could not have better Aunts and Uncles and Paul and I know that we can count on them to be there. I mean my sister did score us that gigantic TV.

I'm thankful for my Mother in Law.  She has taught me, by example, how important it is to have Faith.  She has totally embraced the fact that we call her Moses instead of Mom or Gramma and she lets my kids completely destroy the order at her house and replace it with chaos when we are there. She generously babysits almost every Sunday night while we go bowling.  The girls have her packing up dress up clothes, paper and snacks to bring to our house ... because you know we hardly have any toys here!  She also happens to make awesome frosted brownies.

I'm thankful for my sister in law Sue and my brother in law Mickey.  The girls just light up when Mickey is around ... I mean he more often than not brings them munchkins ... who wouldn't love that?  Sue is happy to grab something for me when she is at the store and when we get together for an impromptu pizza lunch or dinner it is non stop laughs and she likes wine ... its always nice to have someone to share a cocktail with. She listens when you talk and pays attention to all the stuff we have going on in our lives.  She is creative and full of energy.  She thinks of clever things to entertain the girls when they stay with her.  

I'm thankful for Uncle Steve and Ducky for all the help they have been in getting the site work and septic done for the new house. I'm thankful for the coffee breaks and lunches provided by Aunt Norma, Katie and Jeanette.  I'm thankful for the times when Kyna has just jumped in and fed a kid, walked a dog or cleared a table.

I'm thankful for the time my parents get to spend enjoying their retirement, but I am overjoyed when they return home to CT.  

The time these people spend with us fills our lives with laughter.  They are all so different and enrich the lives of our girls just being a part of our family.  

#28 - I am thankful for my extended family and the examples they set for the girls.

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