
Thirteen ... lucky number 13

#13 - I am thankful for Public Servants

Today is my "little" brother's birthday.  He recently graduated from the Police Academy and began the career that he had dreamed about for years.  I'm proud of him for not giving up, for working hard to get thru college and taking a job that wasn't his dream, but allowed him to provide for himself and now his wife.  He filled out application after application, took exam after exam and kept going to work to pay the bills all the while. He's proof that if you persevere, you'll get there.

Have to admit, I'm a little bummed the City of Norwich was a day late and dollar short and the City of Groton scooped him up.  Would have loved to have him protecting Romanskiville. 

My brother in law serves in a similar way.  He works as a career firefighter. You know those guys that have to run into burning buildings, respond to auto vs. pedestrian accidents on the highway or that call that he had several Thanksgivings ago to a baby who passed in the night as a result of SIDS.  

Both of these men have seen and will see more than I can ever imagine.  They proudly go to work each day and defend the people of the communities they have chosen to serve.  I am thankful for their service and for all the others I will never know.

#13 - I am thankful for Public Servants 

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