
Takeout and Bad Weather

#7 - I am thankful for take out and drive thru's

Yesterday was one of those hectic days ... tons of interruptions at work, it started snowing crazy in the afternoon and the builder needed more paint and supplies.  Left work a little early, ran to Sherwin Williams, we're on a first name basis there, and then off to get the girls.  Of course, with the slick roads all that was done at 1/2 speed.  After I grabbed the girls, we were off to Home Depot in a snowstorm ... timing ....   There were only a handful of cars in the parking lot and most people exiting had a snow shovel or a container of ice melt.  I walked out with disposable paint trays, roller covers, drop cloths and a shower organizer, you know, the essentials!  By then it was after 6 .... yup 2 cheeseburger happy meals complete with smoothies it was.  Oh, we went thru the drive up too, do you know what a production it is to take TWO kids out of carseats in the middle of a snow squall?  Yep, the drive thru, totally using the drive thru!

#8 - I am thankful for bad weather [humor me, it will make sense]

I might have mentioned, once or twice, that we are building a new house.  Every ceiling, room, closet, bathroom needs paint.  We got estimates - holy bananas - that was NOT happening.  We have gotten some non-professional painting help at a much more economical rate.  The last "big" thing that needs to be done is the Living Room and Dining Room floors.  We have all the Pergo, we just are really short on time, it is so much harder to fit projects in with the girls around.  I asked my builder for help.  You know, the same guy who is trying to build a 740 sq ft wraparound farmer's porch before snow. So much for that happening!  The bad weather the last 2 days did afford him the time to help us out painting the REALLY tall and awkward stairway, the dining room, living room and another coat on the ceilings.  Tomorrow they start the floor and Monday when temperatures are headed back into the 60's he is back to the porch.  I am certain that he would not have been so eager to take 3 days away from the porch if it wasn't blustery cold and sleeting on and off.  So, for this one rare occasion, I am thankful for bad weather ... maybe I should quantify that with "mildly" bad weather after last week!

#7 - I am thankful for take out and drive thru's

#8 - I am thankful for bad weather [humor me, it will make sense]

1 comment:

Lou said...

You and yours are amazing! I'm glad the weather has given you opportunities to get stuff done. And I hope the porch gets done!