
Comfort Food

#14 - I am thankful for pot roast

I love pot roast - a lot. I go to dinner regularly with a group of girlfriends and we always try to go somewhere new. They know if there is pot roast on the menu .... there's a 99% chance that is what I am ordering. 

Funny thing is --- I suck at cooking pot roast. Which is kind of weird because most people say - just put it in your crock-pot all day and you're good. 

I've bought little cuts of meat, bigger cuts, I've seared, I've floured, I've marinated .... I seriously am NOT going to ever be famous for my pot roast. 

I think that is why I am always so excited to get it when I go out, because I have sort of given up on trying to get it right. 

Last Sunday, I had a lunch date with some of my girls. Kathy arrived first and she walked in with a bag ... Halloween ghost lollipops she crafted for the girls, a container I sent leftovers home with her one night, and then she took one of the most thoughtful gifts ever out of the bag. 

"I brought you some pot roast" .... 

"Pot roast???? You brought me pot roast?" 

It might seem like an odd gift, but to me it was incredibly thoughtful. One of my favorite foods, expertly prepared and I got 3 meals out of it .. a dinner and 2 lunches. I wonder if I was supposed to share it ... oh well... I didn't.

#14 - I am thankful for pot roast

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