
Wow, that is really smart ....

#19 - I am thankful for my smartphone

I've carried a mobile phone for a long time ... mostly because I've had a job where I needed to be "available" for after hours support.

I've had just about every kind out there -- flip phones, Treo, BlackBerry, and I'm currently on my 3rd iPhone (I think)

Besides the ability to make and receive phone calls when I am not at my desk or home, it does so much more for me. 

The camera is better then the point and shoot camera that I still tote on vacation. 

I can use it as a Walkman when I run or walk.

I can check my email, send text messages or be connected to our Google Chats at work. 

I can easily help my student staff after hours. 

I can pay bills, get discounts at some of my favorite stores, and I can deposit a check into my account ... From. My. PHONE. 

I think phones are overpriced and I'm probably on it more than I should be but it would be hard for me to get through a day without it. 

#19 - I am thankful for my smartphone

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