

# 17 - I am thankful for that I read Wonder

Brooke read the book Wonder in school. I had heard great things about it and then in early May I saw a trailer for the film based on the book. I immediately wanted to see the movie. I try to read the book first whenever I can. We were lucky enough to have a librarian friend hook us up with 3 copies so we read at our own pace. 

The girls finished way before me. We had a 7 hour ride to Maine and then a 7 hour ride home and I was driving - they had the edge. If you have kids, I highly recommend reading the same book as them. 

Filled with excitement, the girls would ask me what page I was on and could I believe this or that. We had some of the BEST conversations about kindness, acceptance, and family. We talked about Auggie Pullman like he lived in our neighborhood. There are more books in the series so we're hoping Santa will leave a copy for each of us so that we continue on the journey. 

Kindness and acceptance are the main themes of this book and I'm big on kindness. After years in customer service, I appreciate when people are kind and patient with my staff. I appreciate it when they take the time to send an email to let me know about a positive experience. I love when I open the mailbox and find a card thanking me for something I did that made someone's day. 

I often tell the girls - "imagine if tomorrow, every one was kind to one more person than they were today. Imagine how amazing the world would be"  I could hear my own voice when I read the following passage in Wonder ...

“If every person in this room made it a rule that wherever you are, whenever you can, you will try to act a little kinder than is necessary - the world really would be a better place. And if you do this, if you act just a little kinder than is necessary, someone else, somewhere, someday, may recognize in you, in every single one of you, the face of God.”
R.J. Palacio, Wonder

Read the book Wonder, even if there are no middle schoolers in your house ... it will make you smile, it might make you cry, and it will make you think about choosing kindness over being right every single time. 
#wonder #choosekindness #auggiepullman #gratitude

# 17 - I am thankful for that I read Wonder

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