
Spare Me

#12 - I am thankful for Sunday Night Bowling

Early in our relationship we joined a bowling league. We've bowled on Sunday nights for the last fifteen years - with the same couple. 

For 36 weeks out of the year, you can find the 4 of us mowing down the pins, sharing a couple of beers, and having so much fun. 

I often tell people that I believe it is part of the reason that our marriage is so solid. We get 3 hours together, with uninterrupted conversation with 2 of our best friends. We'd never consistently get together were it not for bowling. 

Our bowling career has weathered weddings, funerals, babies, layoffs, new jobs, new houses, injuries, and a handful of team names. 

We've passed Evelyn around from team member to team member when she was too little to leave with a sitter and we've had the unfortunate opportunity to watch Paul bowl a frame in his underwear ... long story!

We have met some of the nicest people - people we probably wouldn't have met if weren't at the bowling alley on a Sunday night. 

#12 - I am thankful for Sunday Night Bowling

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