
How ya gonna get there?

#5 - I am thankful for Google Maps

Last weekend we traveled to Massachusetts for a wedding. Our friends graciously invited us to stay with them AND to take the girls. 

Paul hadn't been to their house in years. We also needed to get from their house, to the church, and to the reception location and then BACK to their house!

Before the days of google maps -- it would have been phone calls, directions written on a sheet of notebook paper and .. I don't even really remember how you figured out how to get anywhere without using the internet or Google maps. 

I think I used AAA or my Dad, my Dad knows how to get anywhere. Well, there was that time he had an old map and we almost froze to death on a logging road in Upstate NY (that's a story for another post) but other than that he knows how to get anywhere.

#5 - I am thankful for Google Maps

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