
Living with Grace

#10 - I am thankful for Grace

About 18 months ago, we lost someone who had quickly become important to our family. No warning, no time to prepare .. just gone in the blink of an eye. 

I write about her from time to time. Sometimes because I still can't believe that she is gone. Sometimes because something reminds me of her. Sometimes just so we won't forget. I used to ask her mom's permission before I posted. One time I said that I worried that what I write might make her feel bad .... her response "trust me, nothing you say can hurt me more than I have already been hurt. It helps me to hear others talk about her, it is the greatest gift that you could give me."

The tragedy of her death really changed the way we approached our family life. We vowed to stop talking about things with "we should", "some day", etc. We spent a family weekend in NH with friends and their kids. We had the most amazing vacation in Aruba with 2 of our best friends in April. We've focused more on quality time together - just the 4 of us. We've had an amazing year. I don't regret one thing we skipped to focus on our Core Four. 

Last October, this thing happened where I thought I saw Grace in a crowd at the movie theater -- months after her accident. I wrote about it in a post called Breathless

Last weekend, checking email I found a new comment on that blog post. 

#graceisallaround #livewithGrace

#10 - I am thankful for Grace

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