
Strength in Numbers

# 16 - I am thankful for all those votes

During the summer of 2016, I decided to run for a seat on the Board of Education. I had been quietly considering a run but was afraid to say it out loud. One night, over dinner at Irene's, I was talking to Paul about the ways I thought the schools could save money, ways to improve parent engagement and communication. 

"You should run for the Board of Ed." He said.

I couldn't believe my ears. Paul is a fly under the radar, strong policy of no political signs in the yard kinda guy. Now he is suggesting that I put myself out there .... name on signs, debate talking, door knocking candidate.

I talked to current board members, joined the Democratic Town Committee, and started floating the idea of a candidacy. There was a lot of positive feedback. 

An endorsement, head shots, walk cards, table sitting at events and talking to people every where I went. A forum and a debate. More talking. 

Tuesdays are busy in our house and Kristen was sick .. too sick for dance and to attend the party while we waited for results to come in. 

Paul picked up Brooke and then joined me while we waited. My brother and sister in law came and waited too. We were waiting for numbers from 6 polling places and it seemed like an eternity. 

I left the restaurant around 9 with 2600 votes before the absentee ballots were counted. There were 11 candidates, 9 available seats and that put me on the board with the 3rd highest vote count. 

When I woke up the next morning, another 115 votes from absentee ballots, over 10% of the votes. 

I have been showered with such amazingly kind words the few days before and the days following my win...

"You are a superb candidate and it was an honor to hold your sign at our visibility events"

"You deserve a win tonight, Good Luck"

"I don't want to be presumptuous- but goodness knows you were clearly the best choice!

"I'm un-surprised, you are one of the most qualified candidates for anything I've seen in a long time"

"You should be very proud Heather! What a great role model for your kids... and us all!"

"Norwich voters certainly made the right choice in you!"

"you are amazing-the students and teachers will benefit from your gift of knowledge, time and energy"

I hope that I can live up to the expectations that have been set. I'm humbled by the two thousand seven hundred and fifteen people who believed in me and went to the polls.

# 16 - I am thankful for all those votes

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