

#8 - I am thankful for coffee

I'm not going to lie. I love coffee and my day doesn't start right if I don't have it. Just the smell of it brewing makes me happy. 

Funny thing is, I didn't start drinking it until I was 30 and it was totally for a guy. He made coffee a whole experience. On a weekend afternoon he liked to go to this cute little cafe and order a coffee and just enjoy that coffee ... no cookies, no pastry, just coffee. 

So with lots of cream and lots of sugar .. I made myself drink it. The more I drank it the less sugar and less cream I added - until it could actually be considered coffee and not coffee flavored milk. 

Paul is not a coffee drinker so before the girls it was one cup of coffee to start my day. When the girls were babies and sleep eluded me .. I drank the entire pot, every day. 

I still drink an entire pot - but it is the 5 cup baby pot that you find in your hotel room. 

#8 - I am thankful for coffee

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