
We are Family

#2 - I am thankful for my work family

I mentioned that earlier this week we had a pretty serious storm. We have some damage to the truck and the Honda but we were pretty much unscathed. A close friend had a gigantic tree fall across her driveway and take down wires. 

She has been without power, water, heat, and her car since Sunday night. Thinking she might get attention fairly quickly given the lines were wrapped in the tree and a hazard she stayed home on Monday. 

Tuesday, co-workers picked her up on their way in. She showered at another co-worker's house. She took my car at lunch to get water, duraflame logs, and something to cook on her gas stove. I took her home that afternoon ... but I had to fight for the privilege because there were so many people who were willing to pitch in and lend a hand. 

Tuesday and Wednesday saw no change in the situation ... not ETA on when Eversource might be able to get there to clear the mess. 

We continued to be her unofficial UBER drivers. It is just what we do for each other. It is exactly what SHE would do if one of us were in jam. She would have rolled up her sleeves and made a plan to solve the current situation. 

The 10 years before I went to the college, I worked from home. I worked with great people there too -- but they couldn't pick me up and drive me to or from work. They couldn't dog sit or come to my house on Christmas Eve day and read books with the girls. They couldn't take the girls for a Sunday afternoon to make surprise Christmas crafts. 

I've been on the receiving end of so much generosity in the last 3 years.  I - we - are so fortunate to have landed where we have. 

#2 - I am thankful for my work family

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