
Get out the vote

#7 - I am thankful for the right to vote

Election day is always in November and it is always what I am thankful for on that day. I think voting is so very important..... 

This year I am a candidate for a seat on our city's Board of Education so today feels a little different than it has in the past. 

Paul and I went to the Senior Center together to cast our ballots. We posted the last of my signs at the polling places and shook hands with a couple of candidates.

Campaigning is not for the faint of heart -- the door knocking, the phone calls, the events, the debates ... I think I could sleep for a week straight.

A handful of people hung up on me and one lady asked me what I was going to do about Betsy DeVos. I chuckled when she was preaching to me about DeVos because - seriously? I feel like I can be a strong voice but ousting DeVos isn't even on my radar. 

This weekend I heard our current President has the lowest approval rating since they starting tracking approval ratings. I re-read my post from last year, Rock Bottom much of that still applies. 

I vote every time an opportunity presents itself -- primaries, mid-terms, presidential. It is more than a right, it is a privilege.

I hope you are all as thankful as I am that you can vote and that you do.

#7 - I am thankful for the right to vote

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