
Prime Time

#18 - I am thankful for Amazon Prime

Like many of you, we are celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday. This year my parents are in CT and after our traditional trek to the movies in the morning we'll be treated to a delicious, traditional Thanksgiving meal at their house. 

Then on Saturday, we'll all gather again to celebrate Christmas .... yes ... Christmas. My parents will be on the West Coast in December so we're gathering exactly a month early. 

No big deal, right? I've known that I need to be shopping for months and even picked up an item or 2 in September and October. Then the campaign really gathered steam and the next thing I knew ... November 19th.  I had a WEEK ..... Paul and I did a little divide and conquer. He went out to the stores and I sat at the computer, logged onto Amazon, credit card in hand. Today, I arrived home to boxes. Woo Hoo ... let the wrapping begin!

#18 - I am thankful for Amazon Prime

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