I can't let go of a paper planner ... I like to block out chunks of time, cross things off lists, and see things laid out before me. Don't get me wrong .. I am an electronic calendar evangelist too ... I think it is crazy when colleagues don't send meeting invitations or update the group calendar .... I live by them both!
About a year ago, I discovered the Living Well Planner online. It was a bit of an investment but after watching the introductory video - it seemed like it was my "thing". Maybe because I identified so much with the creator, Ruth Soukup. Her first marriage failed, she's a blogger, mother of 2, and seems like we're probably close in age.
Anyway, back to the planner .... first of all it is bright and colorful and it comes undated so you can start .... whenever. Then at the beginning of every month, there is quote .. this is one of my favorites ... it resonates with the changes we've made in the last year to live our life with purpose and intention.
Then there are these pages for goal setting and a place to plan how to "Crush your Goal" ... I was going like gangbusters when first got my planner and watched the video series that comes with it. Then I fell off the wagon for a bit. At the end of October, I found a few minutes of quiet one night and planned out my monthly goals for November ... It felt so good to have that plan in front of me. It also felt a little less daunting to see it all listed out in the target areas and then the Big Three .... 2 of which I have already checked OFF!!!
I wasn't 100% ... the page where the plan to crush a goal sits awkwardly blank .... but there's always December!
I bought another planner in October. It was a little cheaper and it was more specifically designed to support my direct sales business. I used it for a week ... I love the cover and that my name is on it but it just doesn't work for me the way this one does and the spiral binding on that one sucks.
I am sure it sounds a little hokey ... but this planner and the materials that go along with it speak to me. I am seeing results of my effort. That, in itself, makes this planner priceless.