
Cheap Bakery

For years I walked right on by that "cheap bakery" rack in Stop and Shop never giving it a look. I didn't just walk by; I turned my head like I was too good for the items you'd find there. I had this perception that they were old, damaged or "bad." 

 When the girls were little, my mother-in-law, would stay with them while we bowled. When they were old enough, she started to show up with treats. She must have mentioned that she picked something up off that rack on her regular Friday Walmart shopping trip. She asked if I ever bought anything from there and I said that I didn't. 

She went onto tell me that sometimes the stuff "wasn't in the best shape" but usually, it was fine and just close to the date -- not actually expired and it was generally a steal. 

I started to pay a little more attention, and don't you know it she was right! I scored some perfectly packaged Naan bread that was close to the date. It was 1/3 of the usual price.  SCORE!!

Over the years - we've ended up with some delicious and unexpected treats. When the girls come to the store with me, they run to scope it out. 

Yesterday, we got a container of chocolate glazed donut holes for $1.99. As we chatted with the cashier, I mentioned my "cheap bakery" find. We talked about how the items are fine and how exciting it is when you get something good. I looked at her and said "Honestly, I never really shopped there but my mother-in-law did and would regularly show up at our house with her treasures. I mostly look there and pick something up because it usually starts some conversation about her. It's my way of keeping her memory and the things that were her - part of us now" 

"I know what you mean" she said with a smile. 

So much more than a cheap donut. 



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