
It's a Million Little Things


I regularly go out to dinner with three of my girlfriends. I think that we've been doing this for 10 years. I'm usually the ringleader - coordinating the date, the time and encouraging them to throw out ideas for the location. I usually chauffer, unless it requires parallel parking. Don't judge....

When the girls were little, it required more coordination. I needed a sitter and to leave meals for them but that additional work, worth every second with those ladies!

They always thank me for organizing and making sure we keep this going. They think it is so amazing that I will take the time to plan our night. It really isn't praiseworthy - it is selfish. I make the effort to plan the dinners and drive us around - because I need that time with them. They are not just dinner companions - they are my FRIENDS - they are my people.

They were at our wedding. 

They were dropping off gifts and food when Brooke and Kristen were born. 

A few days after I lost my job in 2014, we had a dinner planned. I emailed them and told them that I got laid off - kind of expecting we'd cancel. One of them replied fairly quickly and said "Good thing we have plans to get together tomorrow night" I remember that dinner was one of the most normal things I had done that week. That I didn't cry or feel bad. That even though we didn't really focus on my new situation, I left that dinner feeling that everything would be ok.

They hold me accountable, calling me out when I start to be too critical of myself and sometimes others. 

We've seen each other through the loss of parents, spouses and friends. We've celebrated new jobs, retirements, birthdays and anniversaries. They are some of the first people to raise their hand when you need something, anything. We've been there in sickness and in health.

These ladies are all a little bit older than me; they graciously share their life experience but are never condescending. They consider and respect my opinion as much as I do theirs. 

A few years ago, I started watching a TV show called a Million Little Things. I immediately think of this group when I watch an episode. It is almost like they were following us around to write some of those episode scripts. 

In the very first season, one character makes this toast:

"Friendship is when you don't care when your buddy throws up in your car when you're taking him back from chemo. Friendship is believing that your friend will one day make his movie. Friendship is holding a friend's hand when she loses her restaurant even though you know she's going to open up a better one. It's the person that you trust with your wallet, and your keys, and your wife, and your kids and it's being able to have the hard conversations and willing to listen. It's a million little things."

For us, the individual examples would be different until you get to the end.

"it's being able to have the hard conversations and willing to listen. It's a million little things."

Love you girls - to the moon and back



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