
Just a Little Competitive


I've had my Apple watch for a couple of years now and I'm so attached to it and all that it does, when something goes wrong - it is NOT pretty. 

For example, there have been times when I have not charged it correctly overnight. There have been times - like that time I was in a mediation session - that it started warning me there was low power. Since it was unclear to me how much longer we would be "mediating" that I called Paul and made him bring me my charger. 

The thing that gets me are the monthly fitness challenges. When a new month rolls around, I get a new challenge. Last month it was to record a workout of at least 15 minutes - 16 times. That one was easy. 

For March, I have to double my move goal 27 times - TWENTY-SEVEN. There are only 31 days in the month, I don't have a big margin for error. 

I've been doing pretty well, but this week has been a struggle. 

The last 3 mornings we have gotten up to work out, but the dog has vomited or had diarrhea in his create. Today we were able to get to him outside before a huge cleanup was necessary. We've skipped the workouts to clean or baby-sit him for a bit. 

Add in, it is Spring Break at the college and I am the only coverage for the phones and Service Desk. I'm a little low on the ol' step count. 

So as of this moment -- I am at 581 calories burned, I'm short about 59. Do you know what I am going to do? 

I'm grabbing my fleece, 1 air pod, my Noxgear vest and I'm going to walk up a little bit while I listen to a podcast until my watch signals that I have hit the goal. 

I know, it doesn't make sense to me either. For some reason, I am really committed to this little badge on my watch that signifies I accomplished the goal that my watch set for me. 

I gotta jet -- it's 9:17 and we had to bed at 9:30pm -- I'm going to have to walk fast!




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