
Just Another Manic Thursday?

It's 9:02 and I just woke up. We were watching a show and the next thing I knew I was doing that jump where you swear you are falling off the bed/couch/over a cliff...c'mon, you know it has happened to you too!

Paul and I are on week 2 of working out. The alarm sounds between 4:45-5 am and we roll out of bed a few minutes later. We throw on workout clothes and head to the basement. Depending on the day the routine is anywhere between 35-50 minutes. We have it figured out down to the minute in order to make sure everyone is ready on time for carpool, bus stop and commute. 

The day was filled with a handful of things that combined with it being a Thursday, I'm just tired. 

A workout.

A long walk to and from an office at one end of campus.

A close friend was recently diagnosed with cancer and the treatment plan unexpectedly changed today. This treatment should bring a more positive outcome, but my friend is a planner and this phone call on the way to the office was a lot to process. Too much at one point and we both broke down overwhelmed by the enormity of it all. 

A delicate situation at the office that required some mediation. 

A conversation with someone about an opportunity to do some new, meaningful work. 

A college fair with my oldest daughter - A. College. Fair.  How is that EVEN possible? 

A Thursday. 

I woke on the couch, a little after 9 and immediately thought "Ugh, I have to write" 

"What the heck am I going to say?"

"I'm too tired" 

Ding, ding, ding.... Say you are tired. Your readers get tired too, they will understand. 

Here's to authenticity. Here's to understanding. Here's to getting rest. 



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