
We are So Lucky

Last night our accountant sent me a text to let me know our returns were completed. She would let me know when she was leaving the office and would drop them by if it wasn't too late. 

Oh, and we owed some .... 

I immediately started down that road, the one where you have all "those" thoughts"

"Just when we start to get ahead"

"Oh my gosh, where are we going to get all that money???"

"Why do we work so hard???" 

Then I caught myself. The last 2 years have been difficult for so many people. They have lost jobs, property, loved ones. 

Paul and I never stopped working our regular workload since March 2020. In fact, from March - July 2020 we would have been happy for Paul to have his hours cut a bit. He was leaving the house at 8am and getting home between 10-10:30 each night. 

We have from now until April 18 to pinch some pennies here and there to come up with the money we need that we hadn't planned on spending right now. 

We'll re-evaluate our deductions and up the additional amount withheld to try to close the gap some. 

This, too, shall pass. We are so lucky to have such abundant lives. 


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