
It's So Hard to Say Good-bye


On my way home from work tonight I had to stop at a wake for a lovely friend from church. When I got there a few minutes after 5, there was a decent line. I think it is comforting to see so many people wanting to pay their respects. It is a testament to the deceased person's impact. Whether you knew her personally - like I did or if you were friends of her daughters - like I am - I think it makes the loss a tiny little bit "less" for the grieving.

When I hugged my friend Jean, she said to me "She loved you, Heather" 

I hadn't really thought about that. That she might have loved me too.

I knew that I loved her. 

I loved her smile, her laugh and the comments on my Facebook posts and pictures - usually in the middle of the night. 

I loved the way she would tell stories from the past. 

I loved that she always spoke to the girls and always asked about Paul. 

One Saturday night we shared a table at a church dinner with Her and Kel. The UCONN Women were playing that night and while we were waiting for the next course, she leaned over to me and said "Heather, do you have your phone with you?"

"I do, do you need to make a call?"

"No. I wondered if you could get the score of the Women's game?" 

I'm sure I happily obliged. 

I'm sad that she is physically gone. I will miss seeing her in her favorite pew on Sunday mornings. I'm so grateful that I knew her and her love.

That picture of the sunset isn't from tonight but if Fran was a sunset, that's what it would look like - vibrant, colorful, warm and beautiful. 



1 comment:

Judy Dailey said...

Beautifully said Heather.🙏❤️